![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Eyes Wide Shut (1999)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1639760289241-4SQ65JJB5QMUP8OOB1R7/ua4fiiujnr3xkznz_1599062358.jpeg)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
A rich husband and wife attend a Christmas party pulsating with innuendo, minor indiscretions, and flirtatious boundary-pushing, but when he becomes privy to his wife’s secret sexual fantasies…
![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Christmas Evil (1980): Finding Santa’s Tune](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1639759539629-O2CEVXM8O8GS6SA6DIQC/Image+1+%287%29.jpg)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Christmas Evil (1980): Finding Santa’s Tune
There are only so many Christmas songs in the world. You don’t realize how many different versions there are of each one until you’re forced to listen to Christmas music all day…
![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: The X-Files’ “How the Ghosts Stole Christmas”](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1639758617623-6V9WEK25WUI4FHD8YL1L/Image+1+%281%29.png)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: The X-Files’ “How the Ghosts Stole Christmas”
It was Christmas, 1917—a time of dark, dark despair. The First World War and a deadly flu virus ravaged the world; populations were decimated with previously unimaginable speed…
![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: League of Gentlemen Christmas Special – Yule Never Leave](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1639757510831-VPNH8PE4NK254UYOQSOJ/Royston.jpeg)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: League of Gentlemen Christmas Special – Yule Never Leave
When downloading episodes of The League of Gentlemen from the UK GOLD on demand service, each episode is now preceded by a disclaimer…
![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Smart sexual politics are a draw, but subversive sparkle is what makes Black Christmas (2019) a modern festive classic](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1639594675257-03FOA21T7DUDBIWH8VR7/black-christmas-1200-1200-675-675-crop-000000.jpeg)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Smart sexual politics are a draw, but subversive sparkle is what makes Black Christmas (2019) a modern festive classic
Much has been written about Sophia Takal and April Wolfe’s 2019 version of sorority horror Black Christmas since its release…
![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: 5 reasons you should give Black Christmas (2006) a rewatch this year](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1639593062008-PR2M0LF66NLCNQET8MZP/MV5BYWQ4ZDBlYmUtYWY3Zi00Mjg2LWFiYTItNjgzYTlhODc2ZGNmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzU4ODM5Nw%40%40._V1_.jpg)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: 5 reasons you should give Black Christmas (2006) a rewatch this year
The first time I watched the 2006 remake of Black Christmas (sometimes called Black Xmas) I thought it was a straightforward, fun slasher…
![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Black Christmas (1974): The Bridge From Giallo To Slasher](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1639337717547-K4YUUO4R2NS15R1PYJ4Y/Image+1+%285%29.jpg)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Black Christmas (1974): The Bridge From Giallo To Slasher
Directed by Bob Clarke, the original Black Christmas from 1974 is a festive murder mystery film set in a sorority house over the holidays…
![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Why Is Inside (2007) So Appealing?](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1639166587393-T6MS5O584631690X1BIS/Image+1+%284%29.jpg)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Why Is Inside (2007) So Appealing?
No film better epitomizes the spirit of Christmas than Inside (À l'intérieur) (2007), a movie about a widowed pregnant woman who is stalked by a mysterious intruder…
![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Anna and the Apocalypse (2017)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1639165532314-S9XQSHIPUZ830NLKAJTV/anna-and-the-apocalypse.jpeg)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Anna and the Apocalypse (2017)
Christmas movies are designed to get us in the festive spirit, and the many entries in the Hallmark movie universe are designed…
![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Gremlins (1984): Horror for Children?](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1638826268257-07HU3M4J189YGLTCOXO5/Image+5.jpg)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Gremlins (1984): Horror for Children?
I am not a huge fan of the festive period, I have a very comfortable black jumper that says, “I Don’t Hate Christmas, I Just Hate People”, and those who know me well are aware …
![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: The Dorm That Dripped Blood (a.k.a. Death Dorm 1982)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1638825362757-NFE7FOQK2BWAVUZRF734/The+Dorm+That+Dripped+Blood+_+Trailer+_+1982+%28480p_24fps_H264-128kbit_AAC%29_000005.jpeg)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: The Dorm That Dripped Blood (a.k.a. Death Dorm 1982)
Hidden in the cult classic shadows of such slashers as Halloween (1978) and Black Christmas (1974), a little-known Christmas story waits patiently for someone…
![[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Krampus (2015)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1638823847950-X4RF60LRSQKCEQJEZPSF/Screenshot+2021-12-06+at+20.39.20.png)
[Editorial] 12 Ghouls of Christmas: Krampus (2015)
Christmas is a time to make memories. Or at least that’s what we’re told. Every year when the calendar reaches its final page…