![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Making a slash back into September](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1694354202849-UZE538XIF4KW0KHCNTWS/MV5BMTk0NTk2Mzg1Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDU2NTA4Nw%40%40._V1_.jpg)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Making a slash back into September
Even though they are not to my personal liking, there is no denying that slasher films have been an important basis for the horror genre, and helped to build the foundations for other sub-genres throughout the years.
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Getting sticky, slimy & sexy with body horror](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1689072388373-T4UTVPVEEOM8A2PQBXHY/Society-web.jpeg)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Getting sticky, slimy & sexy with body horror
The human body is a thing of wonder and amazement–the way it heals itself, regenerates certain parts and can withstand pain and suffering to extreme extents. But the human body can also be a thing of disgust and revulsion–with repugnant distortions, oozing fluids and rotting viscera.
![[Editorial] Refreshing Perspectives and Voices With Horror Remakes](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1686416956252-1GI844SZHK33C6FQ6K16/MV5BMTk0NDI4MDUwN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTA3MzYyOQ%40%40._V1_+%281%29.jpg)
[Editorial] Refreshing Perspectives and Voices With Horror Remakes
There was a time in my life when the word ‘remake’ sent me into an angry frenzy and one that I couldn’t back down from. I was adamant that remaking anything was the worst idea known to humankind, and felt like an atrocious crime had been committed.
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: An Uncontrollable Force of Horror](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1683478178628-PTAWWJVEQUCTO3UZL66C/_methode_times_prod_web_bin_60716566-e515-11ed-aa3a-bb509d408018.jpg)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: An Uncontrollable Force of Horror
When I think back to my first memory of fear, I instinctively think of the darkness.
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Puberty, But Make it Horror](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1680371884051-G8X1WLQEJ9SBGJLKK3V3/fb03879baef740fdb503dfeead905679_706x397.jpeg)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Puberty, But Make it Horror
Someone once told me that they were first introduced to horror when they watched Tobe Hooper’s classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, at the age of four!
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: We want sex! We want sex! We want sex!](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1677495319781-OJN0UE56GNRKGE019FY0/Copy+of+Copy+of+THE+BLAIR+WITCH+PROJECT.png)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: We want sex! We want sex! We want sex!
The words are on everyone’s lips in the horror world, and what we’re shouting is “We want sex!
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Experimental horror, being kind & some news](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1675188616713-2N65GESVL86IJHKHXWQO/Screenshot+2023-01-31+at+18.07.58.png)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Experimental horror, being kind & some news
There’s been some drama happening in the horror world, right? Not too long ago some shit went down in the horror community – a reviewer gave a negative review of an independent film and the creator of the film created a smear campaign against that individual.
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Horror is what brings us together for the better](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1673430011888-0S8SE5F9BA7CYV4GSWS4/p07r0t8c.jpeg)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Horror is what brings us together for the better
As a creator it’s so easy to forget to reflect on what you’ve actually achieved, often getting stuck in a sinking sludge of the to-do list. So I took the time to actually write down everything that has been accomplished in 2022, and damn, there was a lot to look back on and feel proud of.
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: … And That’s A Wrap!](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1641120256018-KXOTC35I3OHGJULWKGNN/GHOULS+GANG.jpeg)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: … And That’s A Wrap!
Corrrrr… 2021 what a fucking year, right?! I feel like we all went through 2020 more than certain that a year couldn’t get any worse than that at all and unfortunately we were proven completely wrong once again…
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note - Mental Health and Horror](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1621170646236-2ID53WKXIJXVOYM2AQP1/1562002976349_M_00160_R.0.jpeg)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note - Mental Health and Horror
For a long time I always thought that horror films were maybe not a helpful way of coping with my problems…
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: The gatekeepers of the horror genre](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1618062503039-CMDYIT3B3LQ3ZVBTBKIZ/Event-Horizon.jpeg)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: The gatekeepers of the horror genre
There seems to have been a lot of conversations regarding what is and what isn’t constituted as horror…
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Horror Fandom is More Than Just Movies](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1617374927564-8FNV6T83A25XV4776KZP/freddy-krueger-nightmare-on-elm-street-wes-craven-robert-englund-on-set-behind-the-scenes.jpg)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Horror Fandom is More Than Just Movies
In all honesty, I have barely watched any horror movies lately because I’ve been so into consuming other forms of media…
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Curating Your Own Horror](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1616183818448-FUNJUYQYTZY94OSCPZ0U/the-witch.jpg)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Curating Your Own Horror
As horror fans we often rely on other outlets, fans and critics to help curate the way in which we watch films…
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Fight Like a Final Girl: Happy International Women’s Day](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1615230840633-22W50FKEM9112O6YOPDN/sarah+michelle+geller.jpg)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Fight Like a Final Girl: Happy International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day is the perfect reminder to fight like a final girl through everything in life…
![[Editorial] Editor's Note: Rape Revenge On Screen](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1610135107512-YMSI7C3LS5K2WFSJP2A2/pyw+download.jpg)
[Editorial] Editor's Note: Rape Revenge On Screen
After watching this film, I was duly reminded of one of the reasons I set this site up…
![[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Humbled by all of your support](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1614526348262-SM1JYS46FL2I93I6A2RY/Copy+of+Event+2+social+graphic+FINAL.png)
[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Humbled by all of your support
A gross & gushing little love letter to say thank you so much to everyone who has supported us so far…