[Editorial] Editor’s Note: Welcome to Ghouls Magazine

So you’ve found yourself on the Ghouls Magazine website and you might be wondering what it’s all about. So let me tell you a little about what this venture was designed for.
I’ve been a horror fan since I first saw The Evil Dead at age 13. My parents used to host these amazing Halloween parties with literally a mutiny of people crammed into a 3 bedroom house on a council estate. There was nothing particularly fancy about the parties, but they were always a highlight of my youthful years, and become a nostalgic memory. My mum and dad would change all the lightbulbs in the house to red ones, we had a doormat that screamed with witch cackles when you stepped in the front door and there was apple bobbing happening - something I doubt we’ll see for many years after going through pandemic when bodily fluids are the devil’s juice. They would also deck out the under the stairs cupboard as a version of 7 minutes in Heaven (don’t worry, no one was getting finger blasted in there) but in Hell and you’d have creepy as fuck noises playing whilst you had to identify weird shit in bowls. One year they even filled a paddling pool in the garden with goop and fake bugs. Safe to say they were fucking awesome. But one year my pal Sam and I begged our parents to let us watch a DVD that has always interested us on the shelf; a squishy rubber case with a demonic face on it, turns out it was a special edition of the Necronomicon and the film was The Evil Dead. Clear as day I remember watching Ash face off against the deadites in the cabin, with plasticine gore taking centrefold place. Safe to say I was absolutely terrified by what I had watched, but also found myself drawn with intrigue to the horror that unfolded on screen, and from there I wanted more horror.
Then at University I started an article about the history of found footage films and what constituted as the first ever found footage film. This was when I first stumbled upon Cannibal Holocaust, and my god, was my mind blown away. This visceral and disturbing piece of cinema was unlike anything I had seen before and although I was repulsed by what I had just witnessed, it led me onto a path of trying to find horror films that pushed my personal boundaries. That’s when my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and I knew that my life was about to change forever. After she died I turned to extreme horror as a form of catharsis, and found myself exploring my own personal demons and dealings with grief through these depictions of pain and suffering. It might not be everyone’s way of dealing with difficult emotions, but for me it worked. That was when I set up my first blog, called The Film Fetishist, which at the time seemed cool but now just seems a bit weird in all honesty. Social media was starting to boom and I moved from MySpace and Tumblr over to Facebook and Twitter. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing but I soon discovered that there was a community of horror fans just like me, and these were the people I spent my spare time talking to. It was like uncovering an underground world of people that weren’t afraid to admit they loved seeing people sliced and diced in a movie. But what I noticed was that the industry of horror was heavily saturated with men… to me it didn’t come as a surprise. I remember in University picking the brains of a film journalist from Heat magazine who said that the industry needed more women writers, and especially when it came to the horror genre. So I already expected that it would be dominated by male writers, and in all honesty it didn’t bother me too much, because I liked hearing the opinions of men as well. However, over the last 10 years I started to want to read more perspectives on horror written by women and other marginalised voices, I wanted to understand how others perceived horror and how it applied to their personal plights. Again, social media has been a wonderful tool in finding those voices, but even in today’s society it feels like the voices of these communities in horror are often undermined and not loud enough within the community, which can be disheartening.
We have begun to see more and more communities emerging in the scene, and not just when it comes to critics. There is a bigger push for all people in horror from all aspects now: directors, producers, FX artists, models, artists, content creators, actors, composers, the list goes on. As a woman in horror, it has always been something very close to my heart and something I have wanted to continue championing and pushing because when you think about it, horror wouldn’t be what it is today without the incredible women involved in the genre. But it’s not just the voices of women; it’s the LGBTQIA+ community, it’s the BIPOC community, it’s any under-represented community in this world that needs a space to have their voice raised above others. Which is why I decided to create Ghouls Magazine, as an online platform (and potentially one day offline… think big) to make those voices in this industry heard and to provide different perspectives on horror. For instance, male reviewers slammed I Spit On Your Grave 1978 as exploitative trash that only aimed to give the male gaze a horrifying rape portrayal that descends into bloody carnage. So many men hated the film and forced their opinions on why it degraded women, but when you actually speak to women about their experience with the film, it’s a completely different story. So many find a form of catharsis through watching heroine Jennifer Hills exact her revenge on these atrocious men, and seeing a full-on castration of someone who happily commits rape, is something that gets many of us cheering at the screen. Ghouls Magazine focuses on ‘horror, through the female perspective’ which is represented by our team of women and non-binary writers, some of whom are also within the LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities. It is a place to showcase these voices and make them heard loud and proud, because I still think they need to be championed and that we shouldn’t stop doing that anytime soon.
I hope that through Ghouls Magazine I can help to bring together these voices and allow others to hear and understand the perspectives of others when it comes to horror. This is a brand new, and very ambitious project on my hands but one that I feel fully confident in, especially with such an incredible team of contributors beside me. They are the people that make Ghouls Magazine what it is and I would love for you to read, listen or watch what they have to say on the horror genre, because they truly have some insightful, intelligent and intriguing thoughts and opinions on this blood slathered corner of cinema.
And Ghouls Magazine is open to be enjoyed by everyone! The goal isn’t to alienate anyone from the conversation, in fact it’s quite the opposite. With that in mind, I hope that when going through the site you will find something that interests you, and learn a different point of view.
For now I’m going to go and find something involving some torture, gore and pure nastiness to fill my next hours because that’s just my kind of thing. Thanks for coming on this journey and supporting everyone involved in this project.
Love and guts,
Z x
Films that blend horror with romance always fascinate me; add a niche contemporary setting that I’ve never heard of before and I’m hooked. Cannibal Mukbang was made by Aimee Kuge, a young woman from New York, and I was privileged to spend a little time talking with her over Zoom…
In the six years since its release the Nintendo Switch has amassed an extensive catalogue of games, with everything from puzzle platformer games to cute farming sims to, uh, whatever Waifu Uncovered is.
A Quiet Place (2018) opens 89 days after a race of extremely sound-sensitive creatures show up on Earth, perhaps from an exterritorial source. If you make any noise, even the slightest sound, you’re likely to be pounced upon by these extremely strong and staggeringly fast creatures and suffer a brutal death.
Have I told you about Mayhem Film Festival before? It’s a favourite event of mine, so I’ve blurted about it in anticipation to many people I know. The event has just passed, so now is the time to gush its praises to those I don’t know.
Loop Track, Thomas Sainsbury’s directorial debut, has such a sparse description that it’s really difficult to know what you’re stepping into when it starts. It’s about Ian (played by the director), who is taking a trek through the New Zealand bush….
For a movie that doesn’t even mention the word “vampire” once throughout the length of the film, Near Dark (1987) is a unique entry in the vampire film genre.
If you like cults, sacrificial parties, and lesbian undertones then Mona Awad’s Bunny is the book for you. Samantha, a student at a prestigious art university, feels isolated from her cliquey classmates, ‘the bunnies’.
I can sometimes go months without having a panic attack. Unfortunately, this means that when they do happen, they often feel like they come out of nowhere. They can come on so fast and hard it’s like being hit by a bus, my breath escapes my body, and I can’t get it back.
When people think of horror films, slashers are often the first thing that comes to mind. The sub-genres also spawned a wealth of horror icons: Freddy, Jason, Michael, Chucky - characters so recognisable we’re on first name terms with them. In many ways the slasher distills the genre down to some of its fundamental parts - fear, violence and murder.
Throughout September we were looking at slasher films, and therefore we decided to cover a slasher film that could be considered as an underrated gem in the horror genre. And the perfect film for this was Franck Khalfoun’s 2012 remake of MANIAC.
In the late seventies and early eighties, one man was considered the curator of all things gore in America. During the lovingly named splatter decade, Tom Savini worked on masterpieces of blood and viscera like Dawn of the Dead (1978), a film which gained the attention of hopeful director William Lustig, a man only known for making pornography before his step into horror.
Looking for some different slasher film recommendations? Then look no fruther as Ariel Powers-Schaub has 13 non-typical slasher horror films for you to watch.
Even though they are not to my personal liking, there is no denying that slasher films have been an important basis for the horror genre, and helped to build the foundations for other sub-genres throughout the years.
But some of the most terrifying horrors are those that take place entirely under the skin, where the mind is the location of the fear. Psychological horror has the power to unsettle by calling into question the basis of the self - one's own brain.
On Saturday, 17th June 2023, I sat down with two friends to watch The Human Centipede (First Sequence) (2009) and The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) (2012). I was nervous to be grossed out (I can’t really handle the idea of eating shit) but excited to cross these two films off my list.
Many of the most effective horror films involve blurring the lines between waking life and a nightmare. When women in horror are emotionally and psychologically manipulated – whether by other people or more malicious supernatural forces – viewers are pulled into their inner worlds, often left with a chilling unease and the question of where reality ends and the horror begins.
Body horror is one of the fundamental pillars of the horror genre and crops up in some form or another in a huge variety of works. There's straightforward gore - the inherent horror of seeing the body mutilated, and also more nuanced fears.
In the sweaty summer of 1989, emerging like a monochrome migraine from the encroaching shadow of Japan’s economic crash, Shin’ya Tsukamoto’s Tetsuo: The Iron Man shocked and disgusted the (very few) audiences originally in attendance.
Whether it's the havoc wreaked on the human body during pregnancy, emotional turmoil producing tiny murderous humans or simply a body turning on its owner, body horror films tend to be shocking. But while they're full of grotesque imagery, they're also full of thoughtful premises and commentary, especially when it comes to women, trauma, and power.

If you know me at all, you know that I love, as many people do, the work of Nic Cage. Live by the Cage, die by the Cage. So, when the opportunity to review this came up, I jumped at it.
When V/H/S first hit our screens in 2012, nobody could have foreseen that 11 years later we’d be on our sixth instalment (excluding the two spinoffs) of the series.
When someone is in a toxic relationship, it can affect more than just their heart and mind. Their bodies can weaken or change due to the continued stress and unhappiness that comes from the toxicity.
If you can’t count on your best friend to check your teeth and hands and stand vigil with you all night to make sure you don’t wolf out, who can you count on? And so begins our story on anything but an ordinary night in 1993…
The best thing about urban legends is the delicious thrill of the forbidden. Don’t say “Bloody Mary” in the mirror three times in a dark room unless you’re brave enough to summon her. Don’t flash your headlights at a car unless you want to have them drive you to your death.
A Wounded Fawn (Travis Stevens, 2022) celebrates both art history and female rage in this surreal take on the slasher genre.
Perpetrator opens with a girl walking alone in the dark. Her hair is long and loose just begging to be yanked back and her bright clothes—a blood red coat, in fact—is a literal matador’s cape for anything that lies beyond the beam of her phone screen.
Filmed on location in Scotland, Ryan Hendrick's new thriller Mercy Falls (2023) uses soaring views of the Scottish Highlands to show that the natural world can either provide shelter or be used as a demented playground for people to hurt each other.
Now it’s time for Soho’s main 2023 event, which is presented over two weekends: a live film festival at the Whirled Cinema in Brixton, London, and an online festival a week later. Both have very rich and varied programmes (with no overlap this year), with something for every horror fan.